Monday, May 17, 2010

Legal Information to Consumers and Self-Help Litigants in California Courts


California Association of Legal Document Assistants (CALDA) Spearheads Efforts to Help Provide Legal Information to Consumers and Self-Help Litigants in California Courts

The Sacramento Family Law Self-Help Center is the latest to join the growing list of court facilities displaying and distributing informational brochures of the California Association of Legal Document Assistants (CALDA). The CALDA “LDA Referral Service” brochure, provided free to the public, answers common questions about LDAs , such as “Who are Legal Document Assistants?” and “How can a Legal Document Assistant Help You?” The brochure also features CALDA’s website:

02-19-10 -- The Sacramento Family Law Self-Help Center is the latest to join the growing list of court facilities displaying and distributing informational brochures of the California Association of Legal Document Assistants (CALDA).

The CALDA “LDA Referral Service” brochure, provided free to the public, answers common questions about LDAs , such as “Who are Legal Document Assistants?” and “How can a Legal Document Assistant Help You?” The brochure also features CALDA’s website, which lists registered and bonded LDAs by city, county, zip code, name, services and area code.

“The inclusion of the CALDA brochure as a referral from the courts is a milestone for CALDA and Legal Document Assistants,” said Angie Walters, who chairs CALDA’s Legislative Affairs Committee and was instrumental in placing the brochures at the Sacramento Family Law Self-Help Center. “We are extremely pleased that the court deems the CALDA brochure as a valuable tool of information for consumers and self-help litigants seeking affordable legal documents and forms preparation services.”

Other counties

In addition to Sacramento County, the brochures are also available in the courts and locations in the following counties: . . . Nevada County / - San Joaquin County / - San Luis Obispo County / - Alameda County (Hayward Law Library)

Another choice for self-litigants

“These brochures will no doubt increase the ability of our members to provide the self-litigant with an additional means to meet their legal needs,” said Marcel Neumann, CALDA president.

If you would like to request copies of the brochure, email Marcel Neumann at Include your name and/or business name, address and your county. The brochure may also be downloaded from the CALDA website:

About Legal Document Assistants

Legal Document Assistants were once commonly known as Independent Paralegals. An LDA is an experienced professional who is authorized to prepare legal documents for a client, LDAs are not attorneys and they can only provide self-help services at their client's specific directions. In other words, an LDA is there to assist the "self-litigant" handle their own legal matters. Unlike Paralegals who must work directly for an attorney, LDA’s can work with or without an attorney and are registered and bonded legal professionals who are authorized to prepare legal documents and provide self-help services to the general public.

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