Before You Sign Anything, File Anything, Consider the Statute of Limitations
by Neil Garfield
With tens of thousands of cases running many years before foreclosure is started and with many cases ripe for dismissal for lack of prosecution, the Banks are in a full court press attempting to get modifications or even going to trial on cases they know are problematic at best. I am receiving scores of reports of cases dismissed on the grounds they are barred that the statute of limitations has run.
If grounds exist for dismissal (check with a lawyer who really knows) the case cannot be refiled if the statute of limitations has run. If the case has not started and you have been living in the home for years without paying, the statute may have already run or you might be able to “run the statute.” (Check with an attorney licensed in the jurisdiction in which the property is located).
The meaning of the statute of limitations is simple: everyone with a claim has a right to bring it. BUT the Courts will not entertain any action that is stale. There are two ways the case might be stale — (1) the statute of limitations which is by definition a statute passed by the legislature of each state and (2) the common law doctrine of laches that might be supplemented by statutes or rules of procedure (laches is rarely applied). Laches on its own is generally a weak defense. But combined with the one year rule in Florida, for example, for prosecuting the case forward, it might have more teeth. But you would need to show inaction for a long period of time (i.e., no suit filed) PLUS the failure to prosecute. There are specific rules of civil procedure covering the dismissal of a cause of action for failure to prosecute.
Applying the meaning of the statute as applied to mortgage foreclosures is apparent. The foreclosing party has sent a notice of default and acceleration because you didn’t make a payment or they have no sent a notice and you have not been making a payment. The time to sue on the note and mortgage is based is usually based upon the statute of limitations as applied to contracts, but there might be some states that specify mortgage foreclosures. If the “Bank” has run the statute of limitations they can never attempt to sue on the note or mortgage again and in non-judicial states they cannot file a notice of default and notice of sale.
There are things that delay or “toll” the statute of limitations like various payment plans or agreements like modifications (that could even re-start the statutory period), bankruptcy and anything else that prevents the claimant from filing the claim for damages or foreclosure. Each case must be examined as to the running of the statute of limitations. In Florida the statute is 5 years. So for example if the last payment you made was November of 2008, then the next payment due was in December of 2008. That is when the statute starts running. If the Bank in Florida, which is a judicial state, has not actually filed suit in foreclosure, they are probably now barred from doing so.
PRACTICE NOTE: THE BANKS ARE FREQUENTLY MAKING AN ERROR WHEN THERE IS A MODIFICATION AGREEMENT PRESENT THAT MIGHT ENABLE YOU TO GET THE CASE DISMISSED FOR YOUR CLIENT AND, IF THE CASE IS STALE UNDER THE STATUTE, THE DISMISSAL COULD BE “WITH PREJUDICE” OR EVEN IF NOT WITH PREJUDICE IT WOULD AMOUNT TO THE SAME THING. The error they are making is that they take the date of the initial “default” (which of course can be challenged on many grounds that have been explained on this blog) and they sue on the default of the note instead of the the default in the modified note terms. The time to bring that up is as close to trial as possible when they can’t do anything about it. In Florida, this would force them to refile in the face of statutory requirements that requires them to be the owner of the loan.
For this reason I am suggesting to our own analysts as well as all the rest of the analysts assisting attorneys and pro se litigants to include the relevant statute of limitations in their report.
Here is a link that can assist you. I caution anyone about using this list. Things change so you need to look up the actual statute and the language of the statute might be such that only an attorney who has researched the statute will be able to gave an opinion as to whether it applies in your case.
For homeowners and lawyers seeking litigation assistance please call 520-405-1688 or go to
TILA Statute of Limitations --- No LimitIn "bubble"
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54 Responses
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“But what if we entered into a trust arrangement and not a contract? With DOT is seems plain and unambiguous to me a trust was formed, not a contract.”
There’s a trustee of the trust, the one abandoned as soon as they feel like it (for a new one, prob some co. which they own). There are two forms of fee simple title – equitable and legal. The borrower generally retains legal while the trust is granted equitable. (or so I’ve always believed). The trust holds one form of title until the loan is retired. That’s why dot’s require a reconveyance v a release (which is used for a lien). The trust must re-convey to the homeowner the form of title granted to the trust. A non-judicial foreclosure of a dot is a quiet title action, essentially (we generally only think of a qt the other way around). The trustee “relieves” the homeowner of his legal title. Both forms of title are quieted in one party, the successful bidder at the sale. We granted the trust trustee the right to do that (but only for the lender and not some schmoe).
Pretty heady stuff you have there, Todd. Makes me feel like an eejit!
Put them on Notice and wait to see if they file ……..
Oh Wait … SOL has run!
We are waiting for the order from Texas, but GMAC lost summary judgment due to standing, plus the statute of limitations ran out.
who are you anyway
We are waiting for the order from Texas, but GMAC lost summary judgment due to standing, plus the statute of limitations ran out.
Investigation of the alleged Internal Revenue Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms disclosed a broad premeditated conspiracy to defraud the “People” of the 50 Union states. Examination of the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Statutes at Large, Congressional Record, the Federal Register, and Internal Revenue manuals too numerous to list reveal crimes of such magnitude that words cannot adequately describe the betrayal of the American people. What was uncovered has clearly been designed to circumvent the limitations of the Constitution for the united States of America and attempt to implement the Communist Manifesto within the 50 Union states. Marx and Engles claimed that in the effort to create a classless society a graduated income tax could be used as a weapon to destroy the middle class.
Magic is the art of illusion. Those who practice magic are called Magicians. They have created a web of obfuscation and confusion in the law. When the courts have ruled the obfuscation to be unconstitutional or unlawful the Magicians merely stepped outside jurisdiction and venue. By fooling the people they continued their crimes. These Magicians have convinced Americans that we have a status… that we do not “indeed” have. We have been misled to believe we must do things that are not required. Through the perversion of language (legalese) the US federal corporation promotes the fraud.
After years of search, re-search of Law, asking everyone in government including the IRS to produce a law that requires “People” to file and pay the federal income tax, many filings of requests under the Freedom of Information Act, and actually having brought suit against the IRS, we can assure you that there is no such law that mandates the “People” of the 50 Union states to file an Information Report (self-assessment). It is our conclusion that the 65 million Americans that have stopped filing and paying the fraud known as the income tax are the last remnant of real Americans, brave to the core. Also a conclusion based upon years of study that every “person” (no slip) that files and pays the federal income tax on April 15th does so only out of “paralyzing fear” of a terrorist organization known as the Internal Revenue Service. The Internal Revenue Service was not Created by Congress. The Bureau of Internal Revenue, and the alleged Internal Revenue Service were not created by Congress. These are not organizations or agencies of the Treasury department or of the united States of America. They appear to be operated through pure trusts administered by the Secretary of the Treasury (the Trustee). The Beneficiaries being the American “People.”
7/27/2012 4:32 PM EDT
Thank you very much for this article. We paid off our mortgage in 2009 and have been unsuccessful in our attempts to get anything from the mortgage company stating as such. On several occasions, we have requested official documents from them that verify the recognition of the loan being paid in full. Each time, they have told us that their company does not have a document that they send to customers who pay off a mortgage and insist that it is not the way business is done. They make us feel ridiculous, point out that their file states that the mortgage is paid off and that’s good enough; there can’t possibly be any problems in the future if there is no longer a loan. But we think otherwise. It has never made any sense to us. Why not give us a little piece of mind by typing up something?
I would never discount what’s I’ve learnt from this website over the past five years. Through LL, I’ve been able to keep various servicers at bay for five plus years employing some of the strategies Neil advocated here, like rescinding my loan and to list same as unsecured in a bankruptcy. I did that in a chapter 13 which I dismissed and eventually filed a chapter 7. Imagine the stare I received from the bk trustee during a creditors meeting when I told him my loan was unsecured. He sarcastically stated that “do you want a free house” ? He kept my chapter 7 bk open for almost two years while fishing for a smoking gun. He requested years of bank statements from us and other financial documents. So, I would never disparage what is written here, because had I not discover this website in 2008 , my family would have been kicked out a long time ago. Neil, happy new year and may God continue to keep and protect you. Some of us were ridiculed by clueless attorneys five years when ever they are reminded that the banks are illegally foreclosing on helpless homeowners. One of them even called me a day before our lift stay hearing and said” are you aware that you are going to lose tommorrow”?I defied him and informed him that he has sold out to the other side and he should inform the bk court that he’s no longer representing me.Thank you Neil,my family is grateful and I would continue to read and yes implement when necessary the “BS” in LL.
In my chapter 7, I listed the lender as unsecured and they filed a motion to lift stay but withdrew same a day before the hearing after my attorney through my urging responded aggressively questioning their standing and submitting a copy of my rescission letter as exhibit.
The reason I posted the question was simply to solicit a clarification from this august group of resilient homeowners whether the SOL in Maryland is 3 years or as I’ve been told by clueless attorneys that it’s 12 years instead of three as the latter is applicable to any agreement under seal.
Once again, thanks Neil for saving countless families from the greedy hands of pretend lenders.
-Said transfer was free of liens and encumbrances
-Borrower is seised of the estate
-Title transferred subject to the liens of record
2) Not a litigator (and you can be one without being an attorney)
3) Definitely a bullshitter.
And Iwantmynpv, I was paying any attorney before you knew what hit you. And Iwantmynpv, The only lawsuit I am involved in is the one I filed. Appeal? I have the full payoff available to pony up for title … can you say the same thing? Good Night Iwantmynpv, stay off the roads tonight.
I’m ready for 2014 …
Keep on rockin’ in a free world!”
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and
take you away
Hey, what’s that sound?
Everybody look – what’s going down?
Hey Judge you wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge I got a great deal for
56 minutes in Karl will discuss elements of that thing (smile).
As Great Grandma would say …
When the SOL has run, all that is left is SOS. TeeHeeHeeHee