MISSION: VOID Lender Processing Services “Assignments” (LPS)
Posted on April 21, 2010 by dinsfla
Before the great articleAMIR EFRATI andCARRICK MOLLENKAMP wrote in The Wall Street Journal called U.S. Probes Foreclosure-Data Provider:Lender Processing Services Unit Draws Inquiry Over the Steps That Led to Faulty Bank Paperwork and then my postLENDER PROCESSING SERVICES (LPS) Hits Local NEWS!, many recall the BOGUS ASSIGNMENTS 2…I’m LOVING this!! LPS DOCx ADMISSIONS SEC 10K ROOFTOP SHOUT OUT! & BOGUS ASSIGNMENTS 3…Forgery, Counterfeit, Fraud …Oh MY! posts.
Lynn Szymoniak, ESQ. of Fraud Digest precise skills unraveling this massive scheme has placed spot lights and raised many eyebrows on Foreclosure Mill’s strategies and what they are fabricating with the help of LPS on the courts. One can read EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All about the misconduct of Lender Processing Services f/k/a FIDELITY a/k/a LPS and Fidelity’s LPS Secret Deals With Mortgage Companies and Law Firms to witness some cases of alleging fraud.
Lynn recently wrote an Open Letter to Honorable Judges in Foreclosure and Bankruptcy Proceedings.
Lender Processing Inc. is the TIP of The Pyramid; please click the link to see their admission to this whole scheme of fraud in question. As it turns out Big Brother has been watching! Anyone want shares NOW?? Goldman had met with LPS on 2/23 in aGS’s Tecnology and Internet Confrence Presentation. In turn of events following the Wall Street Journal story and amongst many other media articles displaying LPS’s on-going investigations, Brian Chip’s article on SmarTrend identified a Downtrend for Lender Processing Services (NYSE: LPS) on March 31, 2010 at $38.26 stating “In approximately 2 weeks, Lender Processing Services has returned 3.3% as of today’s recent price of $36.99. Lender
Processing Services is currently below its 50-daymoving average of $38.94 and below its 200-day moving average of $37.98. Look for these moving averages
to decline to confirm the company’s downward momentum”. Then two days later LPS (NYSE: LPS) climbed 1.16% to $37.42 afterGoldman Sachs upgraded the company’s share from Neutral to Buy with an one year price target of $48. How lucky right? So I guess GS has every right to upgrade LPS since their last meeting with them on possible involvement. But the world is now well aware of GS’s shenanigans thanks to LOUISE STORY and GRETCHEN MORGENSON’s article in the New York Times U.S. Accuses Goldman Sachs of Fraud: THE NEW YORK TIMES, According to the complaint, Goldman created Abacus 2007-AC1 in February 2007, at the request of John A. Paulson, a prominent hedge fund manager who earned an estimated $3.7 billion in 2007 by correctly wagering that the housing bubble would burst. Should we put any vailidity into their ratings or upgrades? NOT!
The good thing that came along the 10′s of thousands of visits within the last month, this blog has been used in several court houses.CHEER UP, ONWARD!
Joining efforts along with 4closurefraud’s beautifully WRITTEN IN WEASEL, SO GET OUT YOUR DICTIONARY OF WEASELEASE – FNF, FIS, DOCX, LPS and ForeclosureHamlet’s amazing article Stopping A Defective Title Wave With A Coupla Outstretched Helping Hands. They have knocked on doors, got media attention and ran with Homeowners and Attorneys Meet in Tallahassee To Celebrate Homeowner Rights And The Rule of Law with the help of attorney’s Matthew Weidner, Thomas Ice and others!
Today I am happy to say progress is in the making!
Please pass out the samples of these video’s below…
We are being heard LOUD & CLEAR!
Actual Court Filings throughout the nation of BOGUS Filings Below!
Filed under: foreclosure fraud | Tagged: angela j. taylor, clouded title, conspiracy, criminal,dinsfla, DOCX, ERIN CULLARO, fidelity, FIS, Florida Default Law Group in Tampa, foreclosure,foreclosure fraud, foreclosure mills, forgery, fraud, Freddie Mac, hsbc bank, law offices of david J. stern plantation florida 33324, lender processing services, linda green, LPS, max gardener III,MERS, mortgage electronic registration system, Mortgage Fraud, moss codalis, newtrak, niles and angela taylor, niles c. taylor, O. Max Gardner, pennsylvania bankruptcy court, produce the note, recordings, stop foreclosure fraud, the udren firm, Tywanna Thomas, wrongful foreclosure
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