Saturday, April 24, 2010


I hurt so much because I know some of you are going through the motions of living your lives and at the same time you are so scared.  I understand your fear and your frustration with Wells Fargo.  Times are so hard ANYWAY, and all you did was ask if they would help with a modification, and instead of help you, they have created a huge problem for you.  I couldn't believe it when I was suddenly forced to fight against a mortgage payment that jumped from $514 to $1441 per month.  I had a 30 year fixed mortgage.  A 13 year perfect credit history.  A 720 middle score.  Wells Fargo created a -$5500 escrow when I had never had an escrow account before.  I always paid my own insurance and taxes.  But when WELLS FARGO took over my mortgage it took them just one short year too ruin my mortgage history and my credit.  

Wells Fargo decided to pay my property taxes TWICE, and then they prepaid my homeowners insurance.  I'd always paid month to month.  After spending the last four years talking to hurting homeowners there is one thing I know for sure, Wells Fargo has created several sure fire ways to put homeowners in default so they can blame the homeowner when they steal their home.

The huge negative in my mortgage account created the 300% increase in my mortgage payment.  Totally unexpected.  And even though I immediately called the Johnson County Tax District and they confirmed both of the tax payments of $2215 were refunded back to Wells Fargo within one week of receipt, Wells Fargo did not EVER credit my mortgage account.  It didn't matter how many calls I made, or who I talked to, or how many times I faxed in proof of payments, nothing mattered, in six months they foreclosed on my home.

I lost over $100,000 in equity in my home.  I only owed $61,000 on my home.  I lost everything.  I understand the fear and frustration of having your home stolen out from under you by Wells Fargo who created a "mistake" on their own to make it appear as if it was yours.  Do you feel as if your legs have been kicked out from under you?  No matter what I did I could never move forward.  I tried for months on end to get them to correct their error.   It just never happened..all the way up to the sheriff sale.

And because Wells Fargo keeps doing the same damn thing is the reason I keep writing this blog.


  1. Hi, it is outrageous that you lost built up equity in your home.

    Please join in at Swarm the Banks

    I'm looking for a 1,000 phone volunteers who will be willing to phone the banks whenever they don't respond to a homeowners letter left at Shame the banks.

    Swarm the Banks is also a one stop location to keep track of the several dozen bloggers who are fighting the banks.

  2. I am also going through the loan modification program and they are trying to eat up all the equity i have in my account. Is there any lawyers anyone can recommend in texas would like to file a class action against wells fargo?



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